Excellent bearing steel pipe
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Jiangsu jianli November secondary auction notice


Our company is now bidding for the scrap secondary pipe in November 2019. There are about 100 tons of scrap secondary pipe in this month. Eligible bidders are now invited to submit online bids.

I. bidding content

1. Label: JSFGZB032

2. Subject: 100 tons of waste secondary pipe in 39-6 jingui avenue, jiangsu jianli. The cleaning shall be completed before November 10, 2019 (subject to actual delivery).

3. Term of the contract: it shall be executed in accordance with article 2.

4. The bidder shall remit 50,000 yuan to the account designated by our company as the bid security to receive the bid, and the bid security of the unsuccessful bidder shall be returned to the bidder within 5 working days.

5. The bid group finally determines that the bidder with the highest price is the successful bidder, and the successful bidder has the right to purchase and sign scrap purchase and sales contract with the company. The deposit shall be remitted to the account designated by our company (RMB 50,000 yuan) within 3 working days after the signing of the contract. If the contract bond does not arrive at the account in full within the time specified by the company, the bid winning qualification will be cancelled automatically and the bid bond will be deducted automatically. Before the contract is completed, our company will return the deposit without violating the agreement of both parties.

6. The successful bidder shall be responsible for the transportation and loading and unloading of scrap, and our company shall be responsible for weighing and invoicing.

7. Set the base price of the bid in this bidding: 4000 yuan tax price of waste secondary pipe.

8. After winning the bid, both parties sign a contract and confirm the status quo of the subject matter on the spot.

2. Notice to bidders: if no deposit has been paid before the bid, the bid shall be invalid.

3. Bid deadline: 10:00, November 05, 2019

Iv. Contact person: wang daohui tel: 13858508260

Telephone: 18252315288

E-mail: jolrfq@cnjol.cn

V. complaint and report tel: 13575590021

Vi. Online bidding link: click into the bidding system

For more information, please follow WeChat public number: jianli shares



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